The Best little movie you'll never hear of!
5 December 2005
Long time viewer of IMDb.com but first time poster. I just HAD to post after that negative listing I saw because I couldn't disagree more! I found the movie hilarious and touching. The history of the Windmill Theatre is extraordinary! I come from a theater background and currently work in production for television and film... and I just loved this movie. From the script, to the costuming, the acting, music and imagery... beautiful. My only complaint would be to the Weinsteins - where is the PR??? Dench and Hoskins are amazing! Oscar contenders for sure! I know it won't be released wide until January and I do hope it picks up speed because there's no good reason NOT to see this movie - there's humor, nudity, history, a little romance, a little violence... it has something for everyone!
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