Great "family" film
23 November 2005
I've seen this movie three times and can't wait for the DVD. I've seen John Moyer do stand up and I'll bet the commentary will be a riot.

I would say this is the best movie he's done. . . yet. I expect they'll only continue to get better. The only problem I can foresee with the DVD would be my kids wearing it out and driving me nuts repeating dialogue. (Of course quoting Mobsters would bet the heck out of them quoting Ed, Edd and Eddy.)

I think the best thing about this movie (other than the comedy) would be that it takes an outsiders view. The main complaint I've heard about Singles Ward and the R.M. is that they have too many inside jokes just for LDS members (or even "Utah Mormons.") Using a displaced mafioso as the main character allowed the movie to explain things to the audience without turning it into a missionary discussion.

I think the other nice thing it did was to point out that we are all human and we all have flaws and thinking you are better than someone else for any reason is one of the biggest flaws we can have.

and it did all this while making us laugh. . . and without any swearing or sex or violence (well, there was a paint-ball killing.)
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