I'd recommend this movie if you want to help teens learn some values in life
18 November 2005
Decent coming of age story about three guys (one is a thug) who learn the value of doing the right things in life even if it's inconvenient. I watched it solely because a couple of my favorite wrestlers were in it though I didn't know how long their part was or what their part was. I knew it would be bit parts since they were listed in the credits as Senior # 1 and Senior # 2 or something like that. They were Jerry Lynn and Sean Waltman. I was right about their roles. They were small but what disappointed me was that they were two of the pioneers of extreme style wrestling and instead of being asked to use their talents they (well, Jerry)...got the crap beat out of him. Sean jumped on the back of the guy doing the beating but poor Jerry even got his face smacked into the fender or bumper of a car. Now I know he seems to thrive on pain in the ring but that is ridiculous! Maybe that was his first experience at ECW (extreme championship wrestling.)

A side note is that one of the lead characters, Mort, looked very familiar. He portrayed Knox Overstreet in a similar movie that was infinitely better, Dead Poet's Society. That film basically had the same message. It's time to grow up and take responsibility for your actions. That's a message I do promote.
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