15 November 2005
I can't remember the last time I saw this film, but I must've been 8 or 9. I saw it at a friend's house; they had HBO, but we didn't yet just yet. I remember freaking during the Bunyip scenes. It was weird, scary, and creepy. The song was cool though; I always liked the song...the singer had a low, soothing voice, which only made the Bunyip seem even scarier. I also like the mix of live action and animation; it was the first time I'd seen anything like that. Since I haven't seen the movie in more than...well, let's just say I'm not 20 anymore :o), I don't want to make a judgment as far as which animation is better done: Roger Rabbit or Dot and The Kangaroo. I think Dot... was a little less detailed when compared to Roger...so I'm going to say that Dot...is a better animated/live action film. I'm glad to know that there are others who feel the same way do about a a great film.
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