The eternal sandstorm! I guess that would make this a 'gritty' movie...
12 November 2005
That sandstorm left the biggest impression on my psyche where this film is concerned. Whenever I think about it, images of blowing sand obscure the plot line and the corny acting. Deep hurting! Deep hurting!

Basically, I guess, these guys in stupid masks play moon men who came down to Earth(how, this is never made clear) and live in caves on this mountain. They demand human sacrifices from the country of Samar, or else they'll...ummm...what? I was never sure about that one. Anyhoo, the Queen of Samar is actively supplying sacrificial fodder for these things and their living rock guards(you'd have to be made of stone not to laugh at those bad costumes!), so that she can have tons of power and stay young and beautiful always. Again, it was never explained how the moon guys were going to give her these things. That would probably be because they always intended to betray her, and she was just too stupid to see that.

The desperate people of Samar call on the 'mighty hero' Hercules to save them from the moon men. This is one thing that has always bothered me-for centuries, Hercules has been considered a hero. But the truth is, this guy was a total jerk. Oh, wait a minute..Never mind, that's pretty much the definition of a hero, anyway. So the well oiled and waxed Alan Steel rides into town as the eponymous Hercules, and promptly blows it. He can't even save this old guy that he's with(or maybe he just didn't want to), and the geezer gets whacked by a wall of blades. Later, he isn't in time to stop the ubiquitous blonde princess's love interest from being shot by some Little Caesar's guards, and the girl who likes him gets captured TWICE before he does anything about it! If the evil Queen had decided just to do her in, she'd have had it. Some hero, this guy is.

Hercules pretends to be drugged(during the entire movie)to learn the evil Queen's plans, then rides off to save her sister(the aforementioned blonde princess), who the Queen has given over to the moon men as a sacrifice. They mean to use her life force, along with the other sacrifices, to bring their own Queen back from the dead.

Now begins the endless sandstorm, with long, long shots of people stumbling through it. This sandstorm took up approximately three fourths of the movie, and by the time they stopped showing it everyone watching was officially insane. After that there's some wrap up, as Hercules saves the princess and then runs away with his tail between his legs(how this is defeating the moon men is beyond me), and then rides off into the sunset with Agar(John Agar?). The End...of all hope and joy in the world.
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