In Her Shoes (2005)
Great....but lacks Oscar potential....!
4 November 2005
Cameron Diaz's character Maggie happens to be the main focus of this movie. Maggie is a party girl, dates rich men, very fashion conscious, and quite quirky, a role pitch perfect for lovely Miss Diaz.However one thing that this movie lacks is Oscar potential.

This in my opinion is Cameron's 4th powerful performance. She showed she is more than just quirky in Being John Malkovich, Vanilla Sky, and Gangs of New York - especially the latter one, which she was very astounding. This movie on the other hand, lacks a certain ingredient to make it gain Oscar recognition. Toni Collete and Shirley MacLaine, gave good performances too, however even in this instance, none of these are powerful enough to gain Oscar recognition. Truthfully, an Oscar performance was the one she gave us in "The Sixth Sense" - compare the 2, though they are of different genres, she was remarkable in the Sixth Sense. Well remarkable wouldn't be a word i would use to describe her performance in this - i would just say "really good".

Its a pity for Cameron, she needs a complete breakthrough, cause she is an A-list actress, with potential - she just needs the right role, and no way was "In her shoes" the breakthrough role. Though it was a very good movie, the Oscar buzz surrounding the performances do not make it very well worthwhile. Sorry Miss Diaz....Maybe next time...!
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