Worthy of at least a Soundtrack CD, if not a DVD
1 November 2005
Perhaps I'm part of a minority of film goers who seek out what is best in a film rather than what is worst, but it is now 26 years after the release of this film, and I'm still flipping through movie soundtracks at the local music stores, looking for the soundtrack to "A Perfect Couple". I still remember walking out of the theater at the end of watching this film when it was originally released, making a note to buy the soundtrack of the film, if not the film, itself, as soon as it was released. Sadly, it seems that neither have ever been released, and I, for one, have never seen the film show up on television, in spite of looking for the past 26 years. The music would have made a perfect film soundtrack, particularly because it was representative of a certain genre of music of the '70s. The film, itself, may not have been deserving of any awards, but it was certainly a great deal better than many of the films that have made it to video over the years. Sadly, the only way that a fan seems to be able to get a copy of the film is through the occasional EBAY sale of a bootlegged copy, which is of poor quality, but better than nothing until a legitimate version finally becomes available.
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