Good For What Ails Mainstream Movie makers--Character Appeal and Depth
21 October 2005
First, let me clear up a couple of things. No, I am not going to be 97% objective in my review. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I have never read the novels the movie is based on. So, you aren't going to be hearing me harping on how it didn't live up to the book, etc. Neither are you going to hearing how the LDS filmmakers are using the movie to proselyte their religion.

First, the positives: The main actors do an excellent and convincing job. The actor who plays Brigham Young (Andrew Bowen) could rival Orlando Bloom in skills and screen-image appeal. Jonathan Scarfe, who plays Joseph Smith, does an excellent job. The special effects are done well. The cinematography is superbly done. It has a rough feel that matches its era. The relationships between parents and children (especially the babies) is especially endearing. Oh, yes, Eric Johnson pulls off his character (Joshua Steed) very well, too.

Second, the negatives: Some of the supporting actors, that only have one or two lines aren't very convincing or experienced and it weakens some of the drama.

Well, gotta run.

The movie made me cry, probably cause I'm a dad.
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