The Outsiders (1976–1977)
Excellent Aussie drama/adventure series
15 October 2005
21 year old Peter Jarrett (Sascha Hehn) is expected to tow the line and follow his father Harry (Ray Barrett) into the family business but Peter is more interested in learning about his grandfather Charlie Cole (Andrew Keir) who had a falling out with Harry some years ago. An argument between Peter and his father ensues resulting in Peter taking an EH Holden Ute from his father's car yard and setting off in search of his grandfather.

Peter eventually finds his grandfather and the two travel around Australia picking up whatever work they can as they go, working as anything from shearing roustabouts to local politician! The Outsiders is excellent escapist entertainment for anyone who ever dreamed of just jumping in a car and going wherever the road may take them. It is full of rich Australian outback scenery and attitudes with a character reminiscent of an Australia which might be depicted by the likes of Henry Lawson and Banjo Patterson, had they lived and written in the 1970's.

The series features appearances from John Jarrett, David Gulpilil, and Tom Oliver amongst others. It comprises just 13 episodes which originally aired during the 3 months from 9 November 1976 to 1 February 1977. If the ABC had of persisted with this series and promoted it better, I have no doubt it would now be a cult classic.
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