The Bulls (2005)
11 October 2005
I was lucky enough to catch this short with a program of shorts at the Wine Country Festival, and it stood out among the crowd.

The director, Eric Stoltz (who I was waiting to see on Will and Grace last week, where was he??) does a fine job of creating a mood with the camera and music, so that you constantly feel that something bad is going to happen.

And it does, sort of, but in a funny way. The tone shifts back and forth, and the actors are marvelous here, I've never seen any of them but Rod McLachlan and Chris Pine are terrific as the pseudo father/son team. The girl didn't have a lot to do, but did it well.

If I had one complaint it was that there appeared to be a large scratch across one of the scenes, I don't know if it was in the projector or on the film, but that kind of thing always bugs me.

Overall, I found it dark and delightful, and worth seeing if it plays at a festival near you.
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