The Hunt for the BTK Killer (2005 TV Movie)
Pretty much what you can expect from a TV movie on a serial killer.
9 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
It doesn't present anything that we haven't seen in a gazillion movies with the same premise of serial killers and slasher flicks, but it was OK TV movie.

This movie is about the BTK killer who like the Zodiac Killer, Son of Sam terrorized a community in Kansas with his own reign as a warped killer. Actually he's not that warped, Dennis Rader as portrayed in the movie was Presiden of the Lutheran Church was actually a

Greg Henry portraying the killer Dennis Rader is actually very good, damn he almost looks like the guy with that makeup applied. Henry though has played enough killers in his time to probably do this type of role without breaking a sweat.

The movie then chronicles how he taunted and fooled the police for thirty years sending them cryptic messages and watching them idiotically trying to put clues together. Despite Robert Forsters's portrayal of a cop "hot on his trail", the scent is very cold, and really if anything the cops in the movie are incompetent , dimwits who have the luxury of having a vital clue fall in their lap done by an over cocky Rader ( a floppy disk).

Still this is an OK TV movie. They even have a psychiatrist at one point trying to explain the killer's state of mind but really any "theories" about the guy failed to produce any concrete leads until the killer himself made a crucial error of ego.

Overall though the acting was good, and it shows how the so called "normal" looking guy and allegedly good upstanding citizen can be that hidden serial killer who nobody suspects because of their misconceptions about what a killer is supposed to be.

Good movie.
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