Genuinely Funny and Emotionally Endearing
12 September 2005
This movie was not just entertaining and funny; it had a surprisingly good message around the theme of not judging others. The soundtrack and opening sequence were surprisingly of a professional quality. And Mark DeCarlo's rendition/version of the kids' story "The Three Little Pigs" was completely hilarious. Jan Broberg Felt, who plays a stuck on herself Mormon gossip, is a great actress. Mark DeCarlo by far carries the acting and humor, but the other supporting actors complement him well. I was especially impressed by Clayton Taylor and the girl (cannot remember her name) who plays his "love" interest. They play their parts convincingly.

My only complaint for the movie was that the pacing in the storyline seemed off at times. Other than that, it was very well done.

I think someone has found a happy medium in the LDS genre--a movie that's not over-cooked or under-done; it's just about right.
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