Femme Fatale (1991)
Colin fans only....
9 September 2005
This movie is intriguing only because Colin Firth is in it. It is one of his earlier films so he still has a baby fat face, but he also has that charming accent...so, not a total waste of time. He is the only reason I stuck it out.

Movie has thin plot that probably could have been a good, had the characters not been so superficial. Colin has all his usual passion, but seems out of place with the surrounding "ghosts" pretending to be actors. Really was let down by extent of the emptiness of the acting. The plot was too easy...first there are really bad men, then the bad men don't want to be bothered with the physicality's of killing someone. So they leave...what's with that? They are hit men without bullets, basically.

And I am so used to seeing Billy Zane as a really bad man that he seemed secondary if not less. Kinda spacey, and not really in the part of the film that he would have been best at, the supposed brutal sub-ending. I say sub-ending because the ending-ending was even more disappointing....turned into some warped fairy tale.

All in all, waste of time and space. Sorry Colin.
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