"Fun" movies aren't always good movies....as proved by The Dukes of Hazzard
14 August 2005
After everyone gets the chance to see this movie, there will be two very common responses that arise out of the smoke and dust of this bomb.

Response A: "That movie sucked. Any movie that relies on Jessica Simpson in a bikini to carry it through really, really sucks. I've had more fun documenting how paint dries."

Response B: "That movie was FUN. Sometimes, it's FUN to go spend 8 dollars to see Stifler and that guy on MTV ride around in a '69 Dodge Charger for nearly two hours. The best part was when the car flew through the air after a big chase scene....or when Jessica Simpson striped down to her bikini. What a great movie!"

Now, I know that these aren't exactly word-for-word translations of what everyone will think/say, but I'm just ball-parking it for dramatic effect. In my personal opinion, (which to some may be a little harsh) the movie sucked......and sucked hard. I'm the type of guy who likes to sit down and take in a movie for what it's worth. I honestly could not pay attention to the crap-fest in front of me due to a radar I have lodged in my brain. The radar will NOT allow me to disperse any extra attention into a generic Hollywood money maker with no depth, which was the tragic case of this movie.

I would say this movie was a great comedy, or a great action film. Much to my dismay, it was neither. Though it did somehow manage to keep some people's attention, it just didn't set the hook on me. It had a few laughs, but those laughs weren't the kind of laughs you get when you watch something outstanding like "Dumb and Dumber" or "Anchor Man". No, these laughs were the kind of laughs that come only to save your sanity while your brain gets sucked through a media straw and into the box office profit that will make up this film. I bet Jay Chandrasekhar is laughing as he rolls in his fat stack of cash that he made by using MTV'S "cool" image to sell out a movie based on a show that really wasn't that great to start with. Basically....he took a pile of crap....converted it into a "cool" pile of crap...threw in some "hip" celebrities and BAM!.......out comes this....well.....pile of crap.

If you like cheap frills and a chance to sucker punch yourself in the throat for paying money to see a crappy film, then "THE DUKES OF HAZZARD" is the movie for you!

*Note: I gave this film three stars because I had to sit through Air Bud:Spikes Back the other day. I cut out my spleen while watching the movie to see if it was any more painful than the acting was. It wasn't.
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