An Euro horror favorite.
29 July 2005
Buio Omega also know as Beyond the Darkness is directed by Aristide Massaccesi, one of Joe D'Amatos many nick name names. The infamous exploitation director D'Amato is most know for mixing gore with sex, and Buio Omega isn't an exception. But I would say that Buio Omega is different than others D'Amato films. Because this is much more realistic, his other films (I haven't seen all of his films) are often very unrealistic and funny, they are often turned into parodies. Buio Omega isn't funny alt all, it's a deep seriously film, and it's off course perverse and disgusting. And the gore, oh my! It's amazing, outrageous! Probably the best gore scenes I have seen.

The Plot is pretty simple, but in the story you get a lot of bizarre and twisted scenes, and an amazing beautifully rotten atmosphere. The actor does a fairly good job too. Especially Franca Stoppi she plays Iris the housekeeper, her performance is unforgettable. The Goblin, best known for their music in Dario Argentos films, also have the soundtrack here, and it fits good (as usual).

Buio Omega is a must see for every extreme horror fans. 9 out of 10.
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