Review of Powaqqatsi

Powaqqatsi (1988)
National Geographic does people in motion
10 July 2005
According to this film is..."An exploration of the efforts of developing nations and the effect the transition to moderernization has had on them." According to the film itself, the title means (paraphrasing) a life force which consumes other life forces to sustain itself. I saw neither of these in this film and would caution others to beware the advertising. "Powaqqatsi" is a visual feast of scenes of variegated humanity and sweeping cultures stitched together to show the people's of the world, their work and their works, set to powerful orchestration with no narration whatsoever. Just film and music with a strong aesthetic appeal and a very nebulous message. If you're expecting a documentary about globalization, as was I, you'll likely be disappointed. However, if you just want something like National Geographic in slow motion, you're gonna love this flick. (B)
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