Good for fans, but not a lot new
28 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Once you get past the silly initial bits of banter between everyone, it's always fun to see the cast of "The Andy Griffith Show" together again.

Everyone (except Ron Howard) looks a lot older of course. Thankfully, we've seen Andy Griffith and Don Knotts in their older selves on "Matlock," so it's not as much a shock. It's too bad about those that couldn't be on the show because of their passing, so I'm grateful they all made it for the reunion TV movie a few years before. And I really respect Ron Howard for appearing when his career clearly doesn't require him to do this sort of thing.

There is some pleasant dialog among the actors, and they clearly seem comfortable with each other, which is part of what made the show so great. It only fell apart for me a little at the end. I have a problem when actors behave as if they are the characters they played and talk about their parts in first person. There's a little of this at the end when Andy Griffith talks to Ron Howard as if it he were Ron's actual father during the show.

Overall, it's a must-see for any "Andy Griffith Show" fan. There was little information that will surprise any fan of the series, but it's always pleasant in Mayberry.
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