Visitors of the Night (1995 TV Movie)
I know that your afraid of them coming back
19 June 2005
**SPOILERS** Experiencing nightmares walking in her sleep and missing time since she was 4 years old Judith English's, Markie Post, teenage daughter Katie,Candace Cmeron, is now going through the same things! Is it genetic or is it something else something with no earthly explanation?

The made for TV movie "Visitors of the Night" explores the modern day phenomena of alien abductions that has, since the first reported case back in 1961 involving Betty and Barney Hill, gone from dime store novel material to being taken seriously by millions of Americans as well as tens of millions of people all over he world.

Time just seems to stand still for young Katie as she loses touch with her surroundings and finds herself miles from the places that she was last at. One evening walking out of a friends home during a party when she came back in,in what seemed to be a fleeting moment,Katie finds that the party was over and that three hours had mysteriously passed by! Katie for some strange reason fears the night and covers the window in her bedroom to keep the night-lights, and whatever comes with them, out. One evening she again disappears minus her eyeglasses, which Katie can't see a thing without,and is found a day later miles away in a deserted wheat-field unhurt and with 20/20 vision. Katie also got very bright during her sleep-walking disappearances knowing more about politics in getting her dad Bryan ,Stephen McHattie, who's running for city councilman elected then his entire election staff put together.

Judith having recurring nightmares goes to psychiatrist Dr. Matt, Susan Hogan, for help only to find out that what she's having are not nightmares at all but suppressed memories from her past. She also finds that their somehow connected to what her daughter, Katie, is having now. Fairly good film about alien abductions that not only convinces Judith and her daughter Katie that there not figments of their imagination but the real deal.

At the conclusion of the movie we get an explanation from Judith on a spaceship with her alien captors, what the real reason for this strange enigma really is: It has to do with genetic engineering on the aliens part. The aliens are trying to create a race of alien/human hybrids and the the one thing the aliens need that millions of years of advanced science, over the human race, hasn't given them: human emotions.

Without a newborn baby being loved and cared for by his, or her, mother it loses it's ability and will to survive. That's the reason that women all over the earth, like Judith and Katie,who were abducted and impregnated by the aliens, are needed by the spacemen to nurture these hybrid babies and give them a reason for living. It's those human emotions that the aliens, no matter how advanced that they are, can never duplicate or instill in themselves.

Hard to follow at first with a lot of sub-plots that it really could do without but when "Visitors of the Night" gets to the core or "Heart and Soul" of it's story it's very hard not to keep your tear-ducts from filling up and then spilling over.
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