One of the greats
16 June 2005
Before I went and payed my seven bucks to watch this film....I was hoping that it would measure up to the previous movies that Russell Crowe had taken part in. I shelled out a couple of bucks (and by a couple I mean several) for food and drink before taking a seat in a half full theater....mostly guys with their girl friends. I had no idea what was about to hit me.

The movie starts off a little slow....so I was thinking it was going to be a slow paced.....kindly moving story. However, as the story progressed....so did my urge to see what was going to happen next. Like every good movie, it pushed and pulled and me....made me wonder what it was like to live in the same conditions that James J. Braddock had lived in so long ago. Crowe did a great job at playing his role... grade A acting all the way around. Paul Giamatti stole the show. Renée Zellweger, excluding a couple of stupid lines, did a great job at supporting Crowe....didn't over do it...gave just enough to play her part.

I don't care who you are. I don't care if you hate every movie you've ever seen....I don't even care if you are blind. You MUST see this movie (I know it's impossible to see a movie if you are blind....but science is making progress...)at all costs. The last twenty minutes will have you on the edge of your seat....and the ending wont disappoint. By all means, spend your seven bucks and see one of the greatest movies of recent times...if not ever.
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