Another moonshine running movie
20 May 2005
I never caught the end of this, so I can't spoil it to you. Molly Golden is a New York socialite, whatever that is, who inherits an uncle's farm in Alabama. She thinks it will be like the rest of rural America: boring. When she gets there, she finds that her uncle had unpaid feed bills, etc., and that she is stuck with a farm that would be hard to sell for much money. "Most folks around here don't buy land: they inherit it." Arthur Pennyrich, the religious old moonshiner, tells her about the money to be made by keeping her uncle's shine business going. "You just take a little cornmeal, a little malt, ..." Leroy Hastings, the runner, is a crude clod who even eats fried eggs with his bare hands. He runs in a 1970 Plymouth Roadrunner. The last thing a New York socialite would consider being is an illegal moonshiner. Is Molly moonshiner material? Molly is an impressionable senseless woman who hates work but loves thrills and money. She becomes a moonshiner, for better or worse.
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