Better then the first if only because it has nothing to do with it
5 May 2005
Why the distributors choose to rename this indy horror/comedy as a sequel to "Ancient Evil" (a VERY crappy movie) and possibly discourage those few that would actually take a chance on this one is beyond me. Thankfully this has jack-all to do with the first one. In a prologue set in ancient times, Anubis is beheaded (in a scene that had me chiming that "There can only be One") In the present day, five friends unleash the god of the dead when they begin dabbling in the occult. The movie comes off as a sub-standard horror version of "Clerks" with a splash of "the Craft". Not a good movie by any standards but I seldom got bored with it, that sound count for something at least. Even though I didn't really care for the soundtrack in the least.

Eye Candy: Noel Francomano exposes one boob (the left one if you must know)

My Grade: D+
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