House of D (2004)
Terrible to the point of offensive
17 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is now the second worse film I have ever seen in my life, (The worst was a movie called Extreme Ops.) The second half of the film is especially bad. It's disjointed and all over the place.

First off the characterizations make no sense. Why does the mother, who is a nurse, never flush the toilet after she pees? (Realistically, she would flush and wash her hands. It becomes habit in nursing.) And how can someone who is so incredibly depressed and mentally unstable even function as a nurse? She is shown in uniform, so she is clearly working. David Duchovny clearing understands nothing about nursing. If he's going to use the profession, respect it and research it. I think he is negligent on this point.

Tommy, the main character is also portrayed inconsistently. In one scene, he's devastated. In the next, he's coping well. Oh, now he's devastated. And now he's happy and fine. It wouldn't be so obvious except that the scenes in which he's devastated are extremely dramatic.

Robin Williams is underused. He's funny in his few scenes. But the film evolves around Tommy. And everyone else are 13-year-olds trapped in adult bodies. A French teacher is made to look like an idiot. (Of course, she's a beautiful woman.) Tommy's boss, who is a butcher is made to look like a slut. (Of course, she's a beautiful woman.) His mentor, a female prisoner is made to look like a saint. (Of course, she's a beautiful woman.) In David Duchovny's mind, all women are sluts or emotional wrecks?

But the absolute worst thing about the movie is a stupid scene in which Tommy puts a big ball down his pants and does impersonations of Nixon with a hard-on in front of his mother. Are there really any mothers out there that would think this was laugh out loud funny coming from their son? Isn't this a bit creepy? This movie makes no sense. In another scenes, the mother rages on about pornography after she finds a harmless flip book in Tommy's pants. I don't know what David Duchovny was trying to go for with this weird, possessive behavior of the mother. But it did nothing but creep me out.

I highly recommend that every copy of this film be burned.
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