Out of the Unknown: The Machine Stops (1966)
Season 2, Episode 1
Why is this never shown?
16 April 2005
I remember reading this book, whilst at Grammar school, in England, in the 60's. It was only after that time, that I realised that it was written in 1909. I thought, back then, that it was written in the 30's, which only makes its predictions even more astounding. Obviously, it is dated and naive, but bear in mind that it was written over 90 years ago.

This short story by E M Forster, foresaw the advent of TV, E-mail and the Internet. It predicts a bleak future where humans live underground and communicate via Cinematophote. An astounding vision of the future, remarkable for its time.

We haven't got that far yet, whereby direct human contact is avoided at all costs, but who knows what the future might bring?
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