An attempt at a 'mood piece' that fails on nearly every level
9 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Boggy Creek II has the feel of a 'vanity project' that acquired a life of its own, and somehow got made against all the odds or lack of demand for it. And make no mistake it is a very poor movie. But it isn't loathsome or vile, just dull and pedantic and in poor taste in spots.

The pros: The girls are cute, in an annoying, whiny way. Tim the Wonder Freshman seems to have no problem with his body image and is a shining inspiration to skinny adolescent boys everywhere. Charles B. Pierce can't write or direct, but he does have a nice sonorous voice, and the various voice-overs that drive the umpteen billion flashbacks sequences have a nice lilt. There are glimpses of the swamp area that are quite pleasing and restful to the eye and help you understand how people could be enamored of the place. There is a nice little musical piece at the end. And, um, that's about it.

The cons: The plot is somewhere between a drunken walk and a complete random mess, and the actions of the 'questing' team as the movie proceeds make no sense. The pacing of the scenes alternates between 'plodding' and 'glacial'. There is a shot of 'Professor' Pierce, standing there in T-shirt and denim shorts with his paunch and groinicological area bulging all over the place that is enough to put a person off his lunch. (I actually like Pierce for leaving that shot in - anyone willing to look that bad on camera can't be too full of himself).The characters are completely wooden and irritating and you keep wishing that Boggy will spice things up by tearing their heads off, but he never does.

A waste of film, not worth the effort to hate. Watch only for free on someone else's cable TV while zorched on cheap red wine. Mike and the Bots struggle mightily with it, and their version is good for some mild laughs.
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