lousy act, and cheating in vote ...
7 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
It says 4 persons of first 10 voters actually voted for 10/10, unbelievable! It's like those Korean voters, always voted Korean movies the top scores in IMDb, no matter how bad the show it was --- same crap they did in last world cup (soccer). Here is an idea, never trust the IMDb voting score, if the show is Korean.

On the top of this cheating in vote, the whole show is lousy, it could reach no more than 3/10 amongst most of the audience. So, to bring back the balance, I did as what the other did, voted 1/10 only.

Another thing, the plot says the kids unleashed the ancient Egyptian God Anubis in New England, this is the same lousy idea like that one in Constaintine --- a bum discovered the Spear of Destiny in Mexico. Oh, my, why all these Relic of the old continent (Mideast and Africa) all had traveled to Amercia? for the convenience of lousy Hollywod screenplay? or is that because of the fact that the America is the really damned soil, deserving all the evil in the world residing on it?
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