Carried Away (1998)
Good actors in a rather pointless film.
2 April 2005
I don't know what compelled anyone to make a movie with this plot but I guess someone thought it was genius. A whiny slacker is sitting in a "master gallery" and impulsively steals a Vermeer painting from off the wall. He runs away with it under his arm while an alarm blares obnoxiously. He makes a clean getaway and nobody gets a good look at him. Not even the security guard who noticed him staring at the painting for half an hour. Huh.

The guy hangs the painting on the wall of his apartment. Soon enough, his estranged wife falls back into his life just so that there is a female character in the film. The art thief spends a lot of his time either hunkered down in his apartment acting extremely paranoid or else is making phone calls to let people know that the priceless painting is safe. What drama! A third character is introduced to add to this excitement. The self-proclaimed Plastic Man has a fetish for fortune cookies and enjoys doling out advice to our protagonist.

So much for plot. I couldn't listen to too much of the commentary on the DVD because it was the usual self-congratulatory mush that would lead you to believe they have created some sort of masterpiece. I guess they were trying to signify the importance of art in our everyday lives...blah blah blah. All I know is that the story goes nowhere. Those of you who dislike jazz by talentless musicians will need to keep a finger hovering over the Mute button on your remote. It annoyingly starts up EVERY TIME the main character walks around outside.

At least there was a bright spot to this disaster. The acting of all three leads was exceptional. They were all better than some of these Hollywood duds earning $10-20 million a picture. Despite playing characters with little depth or motivation, these three somehow manage to keep your interest. It's too bad none of their careers ever took off. Hollywood often has a deaf ear for real talent. "Carried Away" has a ludicrous premise which shows its flaws even more as the story goes along. It was a good showcase for the actors' talents...but nothing more. 3/10
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