Review of Deadroom

Deadroom (2005)
28 March 2005
Despite a title that may suggest horror, DEADROOM is a psychological anthology that explores the possibility of meeting with the departed.

The four writer/directors take the concept and run with it, with four very different tales of people who wish to speak with the dead, all with their own twists. If you're good at predicting plot twists, you'll find them, but you will still thoroughly appreciate the storytelling. The decisions for when to cutaway to another story were thoughtful, and enhanced the stories. The set designs and costuming also worked well. The somewhat unsettling opening sequence puts the audience into a questioning mindset that enhances the experience.

Out of over thirty new films I saw at SXSW '05, DEADROOM is one of the most memorable, and in my top five in a very strong and diverse program.
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