Firepower (1993)
16 March 2005
literally it's painful to watch this drivel no story the acting is Beyond sub par i thought i was having a heart attack while watching this movie come to find out it's just my gag reflex working overtime. i love The ultimate warrior as much as the next guy.........come to think of it i don't like him nor his performance in this total Crapfest. This Movie is Mind numbing and Stupid. it's nothing but badly choreographed fights and very bad acting. I love bad movies i mean they make you laugh cause their so bad but not this piece of crap all it makes me wanna do is drink so i can kill the brain cells that contain memories of this movie. In Final never watch this movie people it's like the video in the ring only instead of you dying, you kill 95 minutes you could have spent doing something Else, like reading or drinking lmao 0.11111111/10 this movie is a 100 on the jobber scale
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