For the love of God, read the book...
7 February 2005
Because in comparison this is a bad cartoon, while the novel has been in continuous print for as long as I have been alive.

I have yet to see (and I went through 75 or more) even one IMDb user's comment on this "movie" catch that it bears less resemblance to the book than did Kubrick's "The Shining". To paraphrase Robert A. Heinlein -- author of the book -- this is a classic case of a screenwriter and a director "peeing in it until they like the flavor better."

For a truly lucid and cuttingly accurate assessment of this alleged film, read Spider Robinson's essay "Recutting the Crown Jewels", first published in the Toronto Globe and Mail 11/97, and reprinted recently in his collection "The Crazy Years" (BenBella Books).

Key quote from Spider's piece: "During the first week (of release) nearly 3 million people bought a ticket; doubtless its makers were pleased. But they COULD have sold at least another TEN million tickets."

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