30 January 2005
This movie is the only movie I have ever been to see in the theater where, once the movie was over, everyone (and the place was filled) in the audience was clapping. I was 9/10 at the time, so I wasn't old enough to see the first one in the theaters but I was completely awe-struck and I still am to this day.

This movie, along with its prequel "The Man From Snowy River", are both in my top 10 favorite movies list.

Everyone in the movie was very well-suited for their roles. You loved the right people, hated the right people and forgave the right people.

It's going to continue to be a classic for many decades to come. I give it a 10 out of 10 star, along with its prequel.

It actually came out the same year as another one of my all-time favorites, "Starlight Hotel". Neither of these movies relied on special effects which is another reason the movie is so great. It really feels like you're right there along for the ride.

I recommend this movie to everyone - young, old, male, female. It's definitely worth taking two hours out of your time to watch.
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