This is more like it!
15 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Finally, there is a good Leprechaun movie out there. Back 2 tha Hood is much superior to the entire rest of the line, combined. The kills are convincing, the Leprechaun makeup is much better, the camp is all but gone, and it almost... almost...acts like a real horror attempt.

I don't know about anyone else, but I watch these movies for Warwick Davis. He's the man! And while this was a much better finished product, there just was not enough of the man in this movie. Perhaps he was busy with Harry Potter 2. But at any rate, he didn't get enough screen time to suit me.

At least it seems like someone is trying a little harder with these movies. Since this was straight to video, I have no idea what the budget was; whether it increased or decreased, but it appears to have improved. At least, the execution has.

I'm tentatively anticipating a 7th installment. I rate it higher than most critics simply because this time, they tried.

It rates a 5.8/10 from...

the Fiend :.
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