Hip hip hora! (2004)
I saw this film as "The Ketchup Effect" in Copenhagen and ...
11 January 2005
... this was NOT a good teenage movie: this was a good movie, period! A very good movie. Looks like there is a very fine tradition for intelligent and sensible teenage movies on the make right now in Sweden, and I am thinking of Lukas Moodysson's "Show Me Love" (everybody knows the original title I suppose...). Anyway, back to Teresa Fabik's film. Poignant, forceful, amusing, clever, well-structured. Amazing direction, amazing young actors, not to mention a gorgeous Amanda Renberg. With great performances. Not for the faint-hearted who are afraid to face to what their children have to face every day, not for those who are looking for some light-weight entertainment, and certainly not for people who want their movies like their lives: black or white and nothing in between.
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