Good special effects.
18 October 2004
Saw this on a long-haul flight a couple of weeks back and it was a toss-up between watching it or reading the in-flight magazines. The movie won but only just.

The basis of the film is that global warming disrupts the ocean currents and plunges the earth into an ice age. This happens so suddenly that people are stranded and planes crash etc. etc. The rest of the film is about groups of survivors trying to make it back to civilization.

Although there were a few good bits, notably the special effects, the film as a whole was fairly tiresome. For a start, the main disaster happens far too early with very little suspense or build-up. Then we're back to the standard formula of assorted groups of people trying to get to wherever they are supposed to be going. The characters are largely unbelievable and the script is totally inane. And how is it when someone has been traveling for days they still look like they're dressed up for a night on the town?

The science in this film is really appalling. Nothing wrong with the basic idea of global warming but it's full of physics-defying events that left me groaning with despair. Guess I shouldn't be too surprised by this but this is a film with a real ecological message so to get the facts so wrong won't do the cause any good at all.

Well if you treat this as a piece of fun and something to see on a rainy afternoon its OK.
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