Classik Rock Doc!!!
13 October 2004
I just returned from a screening of this film and what can I say other than WOW!!! As a life long fan of The Ramones I was very happy to see that this film was going to be playing as part of a annual documentary film festival not far from where I live... To see The Ramones in all their glory and up on the big screen no less was quite a thrill... I could ramble on about the content of the film but hell The Ramones tell their story so much better than I ever could so all I will say is that if you consider yourself a music fan than you quite simply MUST see this film... As a side note Michael Gramaglia, one of the directors of the film, was present along with his brother (who helped edit the film) at the screening and participated in a Q & A after the film and I am very happy to pass on that he mentioned that he had just inked a deal with Warner Bros. that should get a DVD of the film in the stores around next February or March which will include a bunch of extras including a lot more that Dee Dee had to say as well as Joe Strummer's interview in it's entirety... Also Michael hinted that he may be returning to similar subject matter soon for his next project... Yep you heard it here first... Warner Bros has approached Michael and his brother about possibly doing a doc about CBGB's... He said nothing is definite but let's all keep our fingers and toes crossed in hope that everything comes together for another classik film!!!
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