A funny and under-rated British comedy
11 October 2004
More medical antics in the classic "doctor" series. What plot there is concerns 2 young doctors (Burke & Hare) attempting to drag a quaint old medical practice into the 20th century. Doctor In Love does lose something without Dirk Bogarde, but the wonderful James Robertson Justice "I shall do nothing of the kind!" makes up for it. There were excellent small roles for Joan Sims as a stripper and John le meseruir (I bet I've spelled that wrong?) as an officious doctor who dares to tangle with "Sir Lancelot". The scene where Robertson Justice accidentally finds himself in a strip club and then breaks through into the medical conference next door accompanied by strippers and a gorilla is hilarious. It's a sad coincidence that Virginia Maskell (the new young doctor) and Carole Lesley (Dr Burke's girlfriend) both ended their own lives a few years later. They were both beautiful. Doctor In Love isn't the best in the series (Michael Craig is NO Bogarde) but it's certainly worth watching and made me laugh quite a lot.
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