worst movie ever
24 September 2004
I just got home from seeing this film, and I have never posted a review here, but I felt it was my solemn duty to warn others: This is the worst movie I have ever seen in my life, bar none. (And I've seen Hindi films.)

I went to see this at a film festival, and I wasn't expecting much because I knew it was by a Canadian filmmaker. But I could never have imagined how bad it would turn out to be.

Every scene in this movie was poorly written and completely meaningless. The characters were either underdeveloped or, as in Gillian Guess's case, contrived to the point of nauseousness. The person I went to see this film with claimed to be physically sick as he left the theatre--and he actually likes art films. Even if you like art films don't expect to like this one. It was pure tripe, period.

"Julian, Donkey Boy" was twice as good as this film.
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