Very well presented story
31 May 2004
The movie is based on a premise - what would happen if an accident brings together 3 completely different personalities. At the very beginning, Inbasekar (Madhavan), a hit-man for a state politician, tries to kill Michael Vasanth (Surya), a student who advocates common people to take part in political system. Arjun (Siddharth), a student with US immigration dreams, is caught up in it as a bystander.

The story of each of the protagonist unfolds from this point. The story of both Inba and Michael moves pretty fast with incidents in Inba's life crisscrossing with that of Michael's. The script has been carefully planned and hence we are never confused. Arjun's background moves a little slowly though.

Madhavan has brought the dilemma of Inba very well - enforcing his power on the streets as a by force as well as being a ill-tempered but devoted husband. We feel sad that he gives up all chances of redemption in the end. Meera Jasmine, as his wife Sasi, has portrayed her suffering, in such a way that we empathize with her.

Surya has given a brilliant performance. Be it rallying the villagers to contest in local election or taking on the state minister with sarcastic comments, he maintains good poise and communicates his views sharply. Isha Deol as his girlfriend Gitanjali is good although her dialogue delivery is terrible.

Siddharth, as Arjun is good too - particularly, the scene where he instinctively jumps into the river to save Michael, although being dead scared. This scene forms a figurative basis for bringing out the inherent quality of compassion in him. He later lends support to Michael's path the same way - instinctively, although he does not understand the full meaning of doing it. His frivolous lifestyle before the accident is quite convincing too, although it may offend some conservative folks.

The script has one glitch though. It is not clear what motivates Michael to take a path which 99 % of the educated youngsters do not take i.e. involve actively in country's politics. He makes general statements as to the duty of good person to jump into political system and cleanse it. Although idealistic, this is not the real world situation. There is also a conversation with his mother where we learn that his father was some kind of activist, which could have been the genesis for such goals. However, as a viewer we do not feel for his cause as there is no specific incident or a goal portrayed clearly. Although unfair to the director, one way I can substantiate this statement, is by comparing it with another movie - 'Mudhalvan' where the protagonist is directly dragged into politics by a challenge posted by the Chief Minister or 'Lagaan' where the challenge posted by the British captain makes the villagers take up a strange path to fight him.

There are other characters well defined - the State minister, (Bharathi Raaja) who uses Inba to control his opponents, Arjun's caring but cool father, his younger brother - who helps him in his love life, Michael's friend - who gets beaten up for standing by his cause etc.

The songs of A.R. Rahman are very good as is the background music. They blend very well with the storyline. 'Jana Gana Mana' is the best of them all.

The fight sequences are very well picturised, particularly the final one, on the Napier bridge, amidst heavy traffic.

Overall it is a very good movie by Mani Ratnam.
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