American Beer (2004)
The anti-Budweiser movie
28 April 2004
A movie that seems to be about beer, but is really more about America and 38 of its small, independent brewers who are living out the American dream and struggling to survive (as one of them puts it) against a country gone corporate. Put down your Bud and start drinking local, people. Wake up! The only thing wrong was that I saw it in a theater and it just made me want to drink. The movie follows 5 guys who travel from brewery to brewery in a 40 day binge of good drinking and good living. The highlights were definitely the smallest guys - McNeill's brewery in Vermont, Climax Brewing in New Jersey, Hale's in Seattle, but it was nice to see some of the old guard of craft beer - Fritz Maytag of Anchor, also Sierra Nevada, Brooklyn, Yuengling. Needless to say, I rushed out to a bar immediately and downed a cold one. Cheers to good beer.
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