Getting old.
21 September 2004
I remember seeing the preview of this movie and thinking "wow" but sadly watching this movie left me with a now familiar feeling of "huh?".

Okay I kind of get the ending (I won't spoil it) but some middle parts of the movie were just plain confusing and just seemed to be there for the sake of cheap scares or fill time, My main complaint is the Chiharu part of the story that just confused Me and seemed to be part of a totally different movie all together (it reminded Me of A Nightmare on Elm Street), I didn't mind the unexplained elements in Asian cinema at first but sadly it's starting to show up in more and more movies and is imo becoming a cop out to avoid explaining confusing elements of movies which don't add up or fit into the overall plot.

Overall an okay movie but if I see one more Sedako style scene rip off I'll scream.

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