Secret Window (2004)
"Secret Window"- 8/10. Effective Psychological Thriller.
20 March 2004
Secret Window

To start off, this movie wasn't really SCARY. David Koepp, the director made another film, Stir Of Echoes, which is twenty times scarier than Secret Window, but Secret Window has many thrill elements, and Stir Of Echoes has more jumpy ghost stuff. Anyways, I saw this movie expecting something decent, which it was. The title however, is misleading. The previews and television spots make it look like the film is about some haunted window or something, when the title Secret Window actually just comes from the book Johnny Depp's character has written in the film. Don't see this movie expecting hardcore horror. There are also some funny scenes in this movie that got a laugh from the audience. Expect a decent psychological thriller, not really scary, but just enough suspense to keep you tense and on the edge of your seat. 8/10.
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