A bit wide of the mark
22 August 2004
Unlike in the US, the European press has generally been pretty anti the Iraq war all along, so the general feeling this side of the pond was that something fishy was going on, even if we didn't quite know what it was. So it was with great interest that I watched this film. Now the first part seemed pretty good. All our fears were confirmed about what Bush & co were doing and I was left with the feeling that any doubts that the US administration were a bunch of cowboys were totally misfounded.

The second part of the film I found pretty distasteful though. It basically concentrates on the civilian and US military casualties and is very obviously grossly biased. Apparently Iraq was full of shiny happy people before the US invaded. I think not.

So not entirely happy with the film as a whole, I did some research on the web. I can recommend Dave Kopel's site (amongst others) to provide 'the case for the defense' as it were. Studying these sites was a very enlightening experience. Suddenly a lot of 'facts' in the film were much less clear and I was amazed how I had allowed myself to be mislead on some issues. Just shows the real power of the media.

So this film is definitely a 'must see'. But don't watch it in isolation.

And finally, given that in places the film is such an obvious distortion and given that this will likely create a backlash, could it be that Moore is actually a republican?
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