Review of Bodysong

Bodysong (2003)
Nice idea...
11 December 2003
...shame about the film.

Most of the material in "Bodysong" has been used before, elsewhere, and to better effect. Although it begins promisingly enough, with some brilliant footage of the development of unborn children, the film soon degenerates into cheap stock footage which appears to have been rather lazily arranged. By far the most disappointing part is that dealing with love, which the filmmakers "illustrate" through the use of gross-out porn. The subsequent treatment of religion is pretty weak, and the war section, which comes even later, uses footage of atrocities so clumsily that you'll feel as if you're watching a snuff movie.

I'll confess I was misled about the nature of the film. I was made to expect a poetic rendering of the human story told through our successive stages of development. If this film were that, I might've enjoyed it. But it isn't, and I didn't. It's really less a "song" than a twisted scream; I can't imagine anyone sane who'd want to see this shoddily-constructed mishmash of Holocaust victims, hardcore sex and exploding amniotic sacs. Given that it's one of the few films that has ever left me angry about the time and money I wasted on it, I just wish the IMDB system allowed the giving of zero stars.
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