Review of Twist

Twist (2003)
I was supposed to get taken in
9 September 2004
When I walked in, I wondered why the theatre was empty. I wanted to like this movie. Hey, Gary Farmer's a funny guy. I hoped to see something balanced, lifelike, with ups and downs. Instead what I saw was a "scared straight"-style, here's-how-bad-it-can-get cliché without any relief, either humorous or realistic.

I was supposed to get taken in by the comparison of this movie to Dicken's story. Except it was nothing like Dicken's story, except for the names and the squalor. The Victorian gentleman had a handle on reality; this paternalistic and uninspired film wants to paint everything outside the mainstream worldview as endlessly fear-driven and hopeless. It's as if the writers wanted to us to think that Dickens was a pollyanna and wanted us to know how bad things *really* are.

Do such awful things actually happen? For sure. Do -all- of these things happen to real people in the real world? No. Which makes Twist a horror film -- if that's what you're after.

Maybe someone wanted kids to know what they might face if they ran away from abusive homes to the big city. In that case, they should have found out what kids face -- verisimiltude anyone? -- instead of throwing together an orgy of dark imaginations.
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