Kingdom Hearts (2002 Video Game)
Go buy this game NOW!
6 October 2002
I bought this game for my girlfriend two weeks ago and I don't get near my PS2 that much these days. I have watched her play it since day one and I must say that the story and action are first rate. The interaction between the "Disney Universe" and the "Square Universe" works perfectly. The game never ceases to amaze me with it's graphics, presentation and top notch voice acting (The list of talent in the Instruction Book is astonishing).

I have started my own game during the few minutes my girlfriend is away from the television and I do enjoy it. So if you only have enough money to get one game, get "Kingdom Hearts" You get hours of gameplay, and you get every penny's worth. To the "Serious Gamers" out there, don't be fooled by the Disney characters in the game, this is no "Kiddie Game", this will challenge even the most hard core of RPG players out there. In closing I guess I would have to say this game has a little something for everyone.
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