Best Picture of 2002, aka "Big Fat American Manifesto."
3 November 2002
I look at the incredible word-of-mouth that "My Big Fat Greek

Wedding" has achieved. That movie has been like a feel-good pill

passed from person to person during this trying year of 2002.

If only we could achieve the same phenomenon with "Bowling for

Columbine." Because while there is a time for feel-good movies,

there is also a time for movies that change the way you think and

force you to make a difference.

99% of the time, the movie-going experience is about escape.

Escape from our problems, escape from responsibilities and

worries of daily life. And that's fine. It's a necessary part of our


But once in a while a movie comes along that does the opposite:

it holds life right up to your face and forces you to take action. To

make your voice heard.

"Bowling for Columbine" is one of those films. It is undoubtedly

my pick for Best Picture of the Year.

Yes, it has a liberal bent. Yes, it make make you angry. But it WILL

make you think. And we need that so desperately right now,

because there are so many challenges for our country to face.

See this movie and tell your friends about it. Thanks.
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