A more mature approach to immature (but fun!) slapstick!
17 March 2002
This was the first of the live Bottoms that I actually went to see live. My review of that show (@ Newcastle City Hall) is very much the same as of the DVD which I am reviewing here.

Now, I would have to say first that this is the weaker of the four shows. It is still, however, very funny indeed.

The first half is more of the same. Ritchie and Eddie are still on Hooligans island, with a parrots funeral and some day glow pant removal activities to fill their time in. There are some very memorable parts of this half, such as their pet pig called Vanessa Feltz.

The second half however was nothing short of surreal. It was all set inside a dome, with only the two of them in there (as Eddie says, like the millenium dome, only fuller!), with only two shutes and a button marked 'do not press' for company. In this section they took themselves away from their characters, taking the mick out of the people who played them on stage (themselves essentially). And they were worrying about getting back to the play for the second half.

The main difference is that this time, the show ended without them being killed. Instead we were to treated to a two piece musical number "Take off your pants" and "F*ck off you w*nkers".

All in all this began as more of the same, but ended as something completely original. Like I say, hillariously funny, and highly recommended, even though it is still not a patch on the first three.
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