Review of Laurel Canyon

Laurel Canyon (2002)
Music Hollywood
23 June 2004
`Laurel Canyon' is no grand canyon archetype film but it does possess enough cerebral quirks for a marginal recommended viewing. Christian Bale stars as Sam, a constrained yuppie who is engaged to another constrained yuppette played by the luscious Kate Beckinsale. By the way, is there a more attractive actress than Kate Beckinsale? She is a vanity goddess! God, would I like to see her canyons? Anyway, back on track to `Laurel Canyon'. The film revolves around Sam & his fiancée's visit to his mother's Laurel Canyon mansion. Frances Mcdormand plays Jane, Sam's outspoken mother. She is a middle-aged music producer who still enjoys the virtues of the rock-n-roll life. Lady Mcdormand's performance as Jane the music producer produced greatness. Jane has her own young Tarzan in Alessandro Nivola as Ian Mcnight, a half-her-age British rock musician who is very sexually liberated. Alessandro, who was superb as Nicolas Cage's brother in `Face Off', is one actor who is up-and-coming and will probably face off with some elite thespian peers in the near future in blockbuster films. Writer-Director Lisa Cholodenko's look at the egoistic music business & its effect on its occupants' family members does possess vivid qualities. However, it hits `Laurel Canyon' rock bottom when it pays way too much attention to itself. Even though intriguing, there is no connection or endearment for the egoistic characters of the film. I do recommend a trip to `Laurel Canyon' but not an extended stay. *** Average
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