Review of La mule

La mule (2000)
Pointless, boring short
9 April 2002
A Cuban woman arrives at a French airport, she acts suspiciously and appears to be concealing something in her locked case. However a search of her bags and her body reveal something customs didn't expect.

This short looks like it's going to have a serious (or at least interesting) point to it. It sets itself out with a dictionary definition of a mule - ending with the one referring to people who smuggle drugs. However this film is not about drugs at all - we are led to believe this, right up until the end where we are fobbed off with something that looks like it's meant as a punchline - but is really unfunny and more stupid than anything else.

The lead actress is one of the ugliest women on the face of this earth - now if she could act that wouldn't matter, but her total lack of character means we spent half of the film following a drab woman round an airport.

Overall, this is pointless - it doesn't say a thing about drug smuggling and it's supposed punchline is flat and unfunny. It's rare that a short film can be described as a waste of time (after all it's only taking up 10 minutes), but this is so flat that I honestly want my time back from whoever made this. Oh and a written apology is probably in order - that's how pointless this thing was...
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