A long overdue look at the mammals
4 February 2004
I always like watching these dramatisations (when they're well

done and don't dump the equivalent of Raquel Welch in a fur bikini

into the mix) because attempting to portray these animals in

graphic, moving form according to a present theory can give one

new ideas about that theory. I have to say that I enjoyed this series

more than the original Walking with Dinosaurs. Maybe it's the

novelty value. After Jurassic Park it's a bit hard to make dinos look

fresh with the same cgi tech.

Turning the cgi on animals with some living analogues, but that

don't often get covered, was quite fascinating, though. Yes, they

picked and chose which palaeontological theories they wanted to

show, but I thought they did well, overall. The first episode was

especially good, and I also liked the Ice Age sections. The whale

ep was compelling, too, though I ultimately found it a touch too

depressing. They were able to get across some very telling points

with a few images. One of the most striking for me came from the

Pleistocene ep where some wolves are feeding on an old, frozen

carcass--which turns out to be a Human who had straggled too far

from the group. That really brought home the idea that, until very

recently, Humans were not the top predators in the food chain.

Finally, for some reason, one of my cats found this series

absolutely fascinating. Being a cat, he of course has the attention

span of a fruit fly and ordinarily ignores the tv (unless a Wild

Discovery show is on--"'Cops' for Cats", I like to call that one). But

whenever I put this series on, he sits there, six inches in front of

the tube, for an entire 30 minute segment. I think it must have

something to do with the sounds, since the only ep he ignores is

the whale one. I have no idea what he thinks of it all, but I do

wonder if the makers of the show may have hit on something in

their recreation of the possible sounds these animals made.
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