Garage Days (2002)
worst Australian film for ages
14 July 2003
I saw this film last year and give you this advice: in the name of all cinematic things good and holy, do NOT see this film. It's one giant horrible cliche about the 'young kids of today' their 'crazy rock n roll - or are they calling it grunge still?' and 'their exciting modern boho inner city lifestyle'. sure, Kick Gurry can act (in any other film, and the camera loves him, but he's wasted here, as is other young Austrlaian talent. Let's hope this film doesn't ruin their careers before they start (though they should sack their agents for getting them this gig). The worst thing was that this movie got moderate to good reviews in Australia. I'm all for supporting the local industry but don't think credit should be given where it's not due, ie. to this kind of badly planned, badly scripted, no plot, unreal kind of nothingness fluff. Makes the time everyone was talking about the hype of up'n'coming talent Alex Proyas seem a long, long way away.
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